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Blog 6

I found it interesting how Darwin read a ton of books, and published just as many in the later years of his life. He strayed away from religion and hunting, and turned towards hard scientific evidence to give him pleasure. Furthermore, I admired the fact that he waited to publish certain books that he was constructing. This allowed him to ponder his work, which is supported on pages 132-133 this “allowed him to criticize his own work, almost as well as if it were that of another person.” In addition, he mentions that the long amount of time it took him to get his point across helped him identify mistakes that he might not have seen otherwise. I connect with this idea because this is very similar to how I approach my writing. I try to take my time when writing essays and lab reports because I feel that my best writing comes when I have ample time to construct my work, rather than being crushed for time. Overall, Darwin was an individual that matured with age, and came to the realization that his passion for science was what continued to make him happy at the end of his life. This is similar to my love for medicine and sports. I believe that if everything else does not go my way, as long as I can practice sports medicine, I think that my life with be worthwhile.

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